Home News Case Before the European Court of Human Rights Against Netherlands for Violations of the European Convention on Human Rights, 2006 onwards

Case Before the European Court of Human Rights Against Netherlands for Violations of the European Convention on Human Rights, 2006 onwards


1. Registry of the European Court of Human Rights acknowledging receipt of Application, 27 March 2006

2. Application to the European Court of Human Rights Against Netherlands, for Violations of the European Convention on Human Rights, filed on 24 March 2006

ANNEX 1: Uitspraak Afdeling Bestuursrechtspraak Raad van State d.d. 28 September 2005 (Sison v de Minister van Financien)

ANNEX 2: Uitspraak Afdeling Bestuursrechtspraak Raad van State d.d. 28 September 2005 (Sison v het College van Burgemeester en Wethouders van Utrecht)

ANNEX 3: Uitspraak Afdeling Bestuursrechtspraak Raad van State d.d. 17 December 1992 (Sison v de Staatssecretaries van Justitie)

ANNEX 4: Uitspraak Afdeling Bestuursrechtspraak Raad van State d.d. 21 February 1995 (Sison v de Staatssecretaries van Justitie)

ANNEX 5: Official letter of State Secretary of Justice Elisabeth Schmitz to Foreign Minister Hans van Mierlo dated 4 June 1996.

ANNEX 6: Uitspraak Rechtseenheidskamer (REK) d.d. 11 September 1997 (Sison v de Staatssecretaries van Justitie)

ANNEX 7: Certification of the Philippine government’s Secretary of Justice, Silvestre H. Bello III, dated 20 April 1998

ANNEX 8: Uitspraak Rechtbank te ‘s-Gravenhage d.d. 28 November 2002 (Sison v. de Minister voor Vreemdelingenzaken en Integratie, vorheen de Staatsecretaris van Justitie)

ANNEX 9: ECHtR decision on 12 October 2004 (no. 60669/00) in the Kartan Asmundssen v.Iceland case

ANNEX 10: United Nations Security Council Resolution No. 1452 of 20 December 2002

ANNEX 11: Regulation of the European Council No. 561/2003 of 27 March 2003

ANNEX 12: Decision of the Minister of Finance dated 7 March 2003.

ANNEX 13: Decision of the Minister of Finance dated 16 May 2003

ANNEX 14: Decision of the Municipal Executive of Mayor and Aldermen of the Municipality of Utrecht dated 23 May 2003

ANNEX 15: Decision of the Municipal Executive of Mayor and Aldermen of the Municipality of Utrecht dated 14 April 2004

ANNEX 16: Ruling of the Court in Utrecht dated 26 November 2004 on the decision of the Minister of Finance of 16 May 2003.

ANNEX 17: Ruling of the Court in Utrecht dated 26 November 2004 on the decision of the Municipal Executive of Mayor and Aldermen of the Municipality of Utrecht dated 14 April 2004.

ANNEX 18: Introductory Submission to the Registrar of the European Court of Human Rights dated 24 March 2006 presented by Atty. D. Gurses, Atty. J.M. Langenberg and Atty. W. Boelens, lawyers in The Netherlands at Schoolplein 5 A, 3581 PX Utrecht, The Netherlands, on behalf of Mr. J.M. Sison, Applicant. This was acknowledged received by the Registry of the European Court of Human Rights in a communication dated 27 March 2006 and given the file number: 11578/06, Sison v. The Netherlands.

ANNEX 19: Authorization dated 24 March 2005 given by Mr. J.M. Sison, Applicant, to Atty. Dundar Gurses, Atty. J.M. Langenberg and Atty. W. Boelens, signed by Mr. J.M. Sison and signed in agreement by Atty. Gurses, Atty. Langenberg and Atty. Boelens.

Additional ANNEXES 19 – 32 submitted to the European Court of Human Rights, dated 6 June 2006.