By Jose Maria Sison
International League of Peoples’ Struggle
14 October 2010
As Chairperson, I hereby convey the high appreciation of the International League of Peoples’ Struggle for the Metal Workers’ Organization (FIOM) of the Italian General Confederation of Labor for organizing the national demonstration on 16 October in Rome in order to proclaim: Yes to Rights, No to Social Blackmail; Work Is a Common Good.
We are in firm solidarity with and we vigorously support the FIOM and all the workers, students, immigrants’ organizations, political parties, people’s organizations, cultural workers, artists, scientists, teachers and other professionals and all other democratic and progressive forces in Italy who are joining the demonstration.
We regard the demonstration as an important milestone in the common struggle of the proletariat and people against the root causes and terrible consequences of the ongoing grave crisis of the world capitalist system.
We are outraged by the growing unemployment, poverty, racism, repression, wars, social degradation and devastation of natural environment. We must act and strive to break the chains of our enslavement. We must put to an end the intolerable system of exploitation and oppression.
We must fight for a new world and bright future of greater freedom, democracy, social justice, all-round development, socialism, peace and international solidarity of the proletariat and the people. ###