Home News IN PHOTOS: Kabataang Makabayan holds lightning rally ahead of 53rd anniversary

IN PHOTOS: Kabataang Makabayan holds lightning rally ahead of 53rd anniversary

IN PHOTOS: Kabataang Makabayan holds lightning rally ahead of 53rd anniversary

IN PHOTOS: Kabataang Makabayan holds lightning rally ahead of 53rd anniversary
By Manila Today Staff –
Nov 29, 2017

Members of Leftist underground youth organization, Kabataang Makabayan Lucille Gypsy Zabala Brigade, under the National Democratic Front Metro Manila, staged a lightning rally at the University Belt in Manila early morning on November 29.

The group slammed the ‘creeping dictatorship’ of President Rodrigo Duterte’s administration as it plans to declare a ‘revolutionary government,’ tag the New People’s Army as a terrorist organization and threaten to crackdown Left-leaning legal organizations.

Saying Duterte’s revolutionary government is a hoax, the masked youth participants called for socialism and participation of the youth in the people’s revolution in the countryside for a new society to be birthed.

Kabataang Makabayan, founded by Jose Maria Sison and youth contemporaries in 1964, would celebrate its 53rd anniversary tomorrow.



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