Home News features Revolutionary Valentine; Jose Maria Sison and Julie De Lima

Revolutionary Valentine; Jose Maria Sison and Julie De Lima

Revolutionary Valentine; Jose Maria Sison and Julie De Lima

Steven De Castro
Published on May 25, 2015

Jose Maria Sison and Julie De Lima. He is the son of a rich family. She is the daughter of schoolteachers. They fell in love with each other in University of Philippines. They then fought together for revolution, were arrested and imprisoned by Marcos, and led the Communist Party of the Philippines and the New People’s Army, which is still active in the Philippines today.

Re: Julie’s Books: I asked Julie to relate the books which most impressed her as a child. Her reply:
“1. don quixote of la mancha (episodes of which were among the stories from spanish corridos told by my paternal grandfather in my gradeschool years & which i read later in english as a freshman highschooler).

“2. the greek mythology from among my parent’s collection of college textbooks

“3. carlos bulosan’s the laughter of my father which i read in grade school from my parent’s collection of books.

“4. pearl buck’s the good earth & steinbeck’s the grapes of wrath from among sacksful GI pocketbooks (my uncle) brought home with him upon his discharge as supply sargeant from the US philippine scouts/USAFFE assigned guam after the end of wwii.

“5. boccacio’s tales from the decameron w/c i read & reread dg my first 2 years in high school.”


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