Communiqué of the International Coordinating Committee
International Coordinating Committee
International League of Peoples' Struggle (ILPS)
11 February 2008
The International Coordinating Committee (ICC) of the International League
of Peoples' Struggle (ILPS) held its annual meeting on 9 February 2008 in
The Netherlands.
ILPS Chairperson Prof. Jose Maria Sison and General Secretary Arman Riazi
presided over the meeting.
A roll call was made and a quorum was declared.
The ICC approved the agenda and noted that the most important business
at hand was the item on the finalization of plans for the ILPS Third International
Assembly (ILPS-TIA).
The Chairperson presented his report. He reported on the actions taken by
the ICC and ICG with regard to the preparations for the holding of the ILPS-TIA.
He cited, among others, the decision on the theme of the ILPS-TIA, "Strengthen
the peoples' struggle, unite to build a new world against imperialist aggression,
state terrorism, plunder and social destruction", the formation of the Organizing
Committee of the TIA and the Host Country Committee with clearly defined
The Chairperson noted the positive development with regard to the formation
of global region committees and country chapters as indicative of the organizational
growth and consolidation of ILPS. He called for the revitalization of the study
commissions even as he noted that some of the more active study commissions
have done well in having organized conferences, seminars and forums on their
respective concerns.
On behalf of the ICC, the chairperson thanked IBON International and commended
its initiative to publish the documents of the ILPS Second International Assembly
The Chairperson reported on the messages of solidarity on various occasions and
statements on a wide range of issues of international significance that he issued
on behalf of the ILPS in his capacity as principal representative and spokesperson
of the League. He also cited the wide range of mass campaigns and activities
that ILPS conducted during the year. He took the occasion to express his
gratitude to the ILPS, all participating organizations, allies and all the people
of the world for their solidarity and support in carrying out the campaign that
demanded justice for him and his release from prison after his arrest on 28
August 2007.
The chairperson gave a brief analysis of the world situation citing the grave crisis
facing the US, its impact on the world capitalist system and the favorable conditions
for advancing the peoples' struggles and movements throughout the world.
The General Secretary gave his report. He made additional comments on the world
situation. He reported on the efforts of the Information Bureau under his direct
guidance to further develop the ILPS website and help member organizations build
their own websites.
The Treasurer presented the annual financial report. There was a lively discussion
in connection with membership dues. The body approved a number of finance
policies and directed the Treasurer to write the appropriate memo for the information
of all participating organizations of the ILPS.
The respective ICC members gave brief reports on the situation in the global regions
and the prospects for building ILPS work and organization in these regions. Important
campaigns and activities were reported for information of the body. The ICC was also
informed about efforts to actively promote attendance to the TIA among participating
organizations and raise interest among prospective participating organizations.
The meeting tackled the preparations for the ILPS-TIA. The draft program of the
ILPS-TIA was discussed and certain additions and changes were proposed. There
were also proposals on the keynote speaker and plenary speakers.
The ILPS Secretariat reported that invitations to the TIA have been sent to both
ILPS participating organizations and organizations recommended by participating
organizations. It also reported that a website specifically on the TIA has been set
up where the Draft Program of the TIA, the registration form for the TIA and ILPS
documents have been uploaded. The TIA website address is: http://tia.ilps-web.com
and the main ILPS website is: http://ilps-web.com.
The ICC member representing the Organizing Committee of the TIA made a report
on the status of technical preparations for the assembly. The organizing committee
has reserved a place that would serve as the venue for the TIA.
The ICC approved the holding of the ILPS-TIA on June 18-20, 2008 in Hong Kong.
The ICC received proposals on major mass campaigns and activities to be conducted
and supported by the ILPS. One of the major campaigns proposed and approved by
the ICC to be adopted as one of its central campaigns is the opposition to the displacement
of millions of people in India to give way to imperialist and comprador projects.
The ICC approved the membership applications of 21 organizations duly endorsed by ILPS
participating organizations in good standing.
The ICC approved 8 country- and issue-specific resolutions presented for adoption by
the ICC. They are resolutions on the repression of the Kurdish people by the fascist
Turkish state, on the arrest of a Peruvian lawyer, Monica Feria, in Germany, on the
repression by the Brazilian state of poor peasants in Northern Brazil, on the arrest of
Randall Echanis, a leader of the peasant movement in the Philippines, on the repression
of Iranian workers and students, on the involvement of US troops in "counter-terrorism"
operations in the Philippines, on the fifth anniversary of the US war of aggression against
Iraq and on ILPS support for the campaign against the displacement of millions of peasants
in India. #
11 February 2008