Message of Solidarity
to the Communist Organization of Greece
on the Occasion of Its Second Congress
By Jose Maria Sison
Founding Chairman
Communist Party of the Philippines
22 June 2007
May I convey to the leading committee and membership of the Communist Organization
of Greece (KOE) warmest greetings of comradeship and revolutionary solidarity on the
occasion of your Second Congress. I congratulate you for your successful preparations
for this congress. Your preparations were made amidst important struggles in which
the KOE played a significant role.
Your general slogan is appropriate and timely: "With the international community of
the peoples, for the unity in action of the Left, on the path of the Communist Left."
As communists, you uphold Marxism-Leninism as your guide to action and you seek to
integrate it with the concrete conditions and revolutionary practice in Greece. The
ideological line can be as correct and effective only as it enables you to arouse, organize
and mobilize the masses to fight for their own rights and interests. Your congress is
highly significant and well-purposed, because you will debate and make decisions on
the theses involving the evaluation of the international and national situation, the
review of your political and organizational work since your Founding Congress; and
what you consider as your orientations.
I wish you success in evaluating both the international and national situation. These
are interrelated and interactive. By understanding them, you can take your bearings,
recognize the possibilities and firm up the general line for advancing the revolutionary
mass movement. We are still in the era of modern imperialism and proletarian revolution,
especially because of the betrayal of socialism by the modern revisionists and because of
the aggravation of the crisis of the world capitalist system under such US-instigated
policies as "neoliberal globalization" and "global war on terror". The socio-economic
and political crisis of the ruling system in Greece has sharpened and deepened. The
escalation of oppression and exploitation is driving the people to struggle for national
independence, democracy and socialism against imperialism and local reaction.
I wish to congratulate you for having scored significant achievements in political and
organizational work since your Founding Congress. You can build on these achievements
in order to score still greater achievements. You can do so by summing up and analyzing
your experience, learning from positive and negative lessons, defining the tasks and
setting the targets to be fulfilled. You must plan to advance your work. You must
arouse the people through various forms and methods of mass education and agitation.
You must attract the people to the organizations that are based on the progressive
classes, sectors and issues. You must mobilize the people by generating campaigns
on issues of the greatest and most urgent interest to them against the US and
European imperialists and their Greek running dogs.
I appreciate your efforts to call on all militants of the Left to cooperate with your
cadres and members and to contribute whatever they can to build a broad united
front and broad mass movement against imperialism. Indeed, it is urgent to engage
in united and coordinated struggles against "neoliberalism", state terrorism and wars
of aggression. As chairperson of the International Coordinating Committee of the
International League of Peoples' Struggle (ILPS), may I offer to you the 18 concerns
of the ILPS as your frame of reference or check list of issues that may be taken up
by the broad united front and broad mass movement.
The crisis of the world capitalist system is daily worsening. The imperialist powers
subject the proletariat and the people to extreme exploitation under the policy
of "neoliberal globalization" and to extreme oppression through fascisation and
wars of aggression. The broad masses of the people are suffering but are resisting
the intolerable conditions. These are favorable for the rise of the anti-imperialist
and democratic mass movement under the leadership of the working class and
through the broad united front. All patriotic and progressive forces in Greece
must unite to fight for national liberation, democracy, social justice, development
and world peace against the imperialists and local reactionaries. ####