New Year's Greetings
Dear Colleagues and Friends,
Warmest greetings of revolutionary solidarity and best wishes
for the new year 2010!
The current severe crisis of the imperialist system inflicts intolerable
suffering on the people and incites them to fight back in order to
uphold, defend and advance their rights.
Let us take up the 18 concerns of the International League of
Peoples' Struggle (ILPS). Let us intensify our efforts at political
education, strengthening the ILPS structure and mass campaigns
in alliance with other forces.
We look forward to greater victories of the International League
of Peoples' Struggle, all ILPS member-organizations and all allies in
the anti-imperialist and democratic struggle of the people.
Best regards,
Jose Maria Sison
International Coordinating Committee
International League of Peoples' Struggle
18 Concerns of the ILPS:
- The cause of national liberation, democracy and social
liberation against imperialism and all reaction;
Socio-economic development for oppressed and exploited countries
and nations and social equity for all working people;
Human rights in the civil, political, economic, social and cultural fields
against state violence, national oppression, class exploitation and
oppression, gender oppression, fascism, castism, racism and religious
The cause of just peace and struggles against wars of counterrevolution
and aggression and against nuclear, biological, chemical, missile and other
weapons of mass destruction;
Promotion of trade union and other democratic rights of the working
class, improvement of wage and living conditions against all forms of
intensifying exploitation of labor and the destruction of working class
organizations in their pursuit of the historic mission of fighting for social
Agrarian reform and rights of peasants, farm workers and fisherfolk
against feudal, semifeudal and capitalist exploitation and oppression;
The cause of women's liberation and rights against all forms of sexual
discrimination, exploitation and violence;
Rights of the youth to education and employment;
Children's rights against child labor, sexual abuse and other forms of
Rights of indigenous peoples, national minorities, and nationalities for
self-determination and decolonization against discrimination, racism, and
national oppression by imperialism and local reaction;
The rights of teachers, researchers and other educational personnel
and struggle against ideas and researches directed against the people;
The right of the people to health and the rights of health workers;
Science and technology for the people and development, environmental
protection against plunder and pollution and the destruction of the foundations
of human life the right to safe and healthy food and water and opposition to
manipulation of genetic technology for imperialist profit;
Arts and culture and free flow of information in the service of the people
and the rights of artists, creative writers, journalists and other cultural workers
against imperialist and reactionary propaganda and oppression;
Justice and indemnification for the victims of illegal arrest and detention
(especially political prisoners), violations of due process, torture, extra-judicial
executions, disappearances, mass displacement, and other blatant forms of
human rights violations.
Rights and welfare of homeless persons, refugees and migrant workers
displaced by imperialism and local reactionaries;
Rights of the elderly and differently-abled towards a life in dignity and
secure existence;
Rights of gays, lesbians, bisexuals and transgendered people against
discrimination, intolerance and homophobia.